I have lots of friends who, at the beginning of the election, were supporters of Ron Paul. Now, I'll admit that even this decision was largely based on what most of them had heard others say about Ron Paul, or worse based on the fact that their friends were supporting him. The preceding is an assumption, but it's supported by the observation that many of those Ron Paul supporters say that they might vote for Barack Obama in the general election. This phenomena can only be explained by a complete lack of knowledge or understanding of either candidate's philosophy or policies.
I'm going to make a diagram for this... hold on.
K... here it is:

The whole of politics is on one scale. At one end is totalitarianism, or complete government control over the actions of individuals. On the other end is liberty, that is personal freedom. The amount of (or lack of) liberty of each of these political systems is contained within their definitions, and the amount of freedom you desire for your life and the lives of the people around you depends on where you would fall on this line. This is not just a line political ideologies. All persons can be placed on this chart - you, me, your neighbors and friends. Unfortunately, most people have no informed reason where they are or where they desire to land on this chart.
What's amazing is this. Ron Paul is almost completely libertarian in his political philosophy while Barack Obama is one step away from socialism - and I know people who have claimed allegiance to both! What duality.
When you're thinking about politics for the remainder of 2008, think about this chart. Your vote is nothing more than your retention of or the giving away of your individual freedoms. That's a HUGE responsibility. Don't take it lightly. Don't believe the rhetoric. Do research. Don't take my word blindly... investigate for yourself. Don't be a lazy anarchist. The government exists. Do something about taking control of it.
Now... a few notes:
- The word conservatism does not relate to morality (as most people think). Rather, the idea of conservatism has to do with maintaining a small government. To conserve the boundaries to which government extends.
- The placement of Republican on the chart is based upon what the Republican party is supposed to stand for (which is drastically different from what it is today). Both of the parties in our two party system are out of control in their view of a healthy scope of government. Thus, we find the likely Republican Candidate, John McCain to the left of Republican and the far left of Conservatism.
- Barack Obama is left of Liberal, the idea that the government should grow in its regulation of society. He is closer to Socialism because he supports taking the money of Americans to redistribute as politicians see fit.
- Hillary Clinton defines herself as a "Progressive." Search for the tenants of the Progressive Party, and you'll be quite surprised the kind of persons hundreds of thousands of people are rallying behind to be the next president of our country.
- Famous Fascists: Mussolini, Hitler and Big Brother from Orwell's 1984
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