Thursday, September 18, 2008

Biden and Paul on the Economy

Socialism is increasing, and it's sticking its neck father out into the open. Biden, today, didn't even try to mask his socialist comments.

''We want to take money and put it back in the pocket of middle-class people,''

Take from who? The "rich."

Biden suggested today that it is the patriotic duty of wealthier Americans to pay more takes. Why? So the government can redistribute it to the less wealthy. God help us!

Here's an article about the Biden quote
click here

Granted, Biden while making over $300,000 a year has only give $319 a year on average over the last ten years. Looks like he doesn't even believe in his own words. (reference)

Now, there's one man who understands that government isn't the solution, it's the problem. That man is Ron Paul, and he should be president. Here's a youtube clip of his statement about the economy.

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