Monday, September 29, 2008

700 Billion Dollar "Bailout" Rejected!!

Thankfully, the congress did not approve the 700 billion dollar bailout. It was rejected today (Monday) by 228 votes to 205. Governmental socialism is bad for our country and bad for individuals wether it's a corporate "bailout" scheme or stealing from one income bracket to redistribute to another. Email your congressman today to ensure that this bill continues to be rejected. You can search for your congressman's contact info here

Unfortunately, I have yet to be able to email my congressman, Ric Keller because the email form on the website doesn't work... and you're thinking it would be good for these people to control healthcare and have $700B at their disposal? Think again :)

Sunday, September 21, 2008

More from Ron Paul on the Economy

It's interesting that, in the presidential primaries, the media (and Americans at large) treated Ron Paul as an inconvenient outlier. Now, the media can't get enough of him. Unfortunately, the American public doesn't care to understand much of what is happening today in our country. People love words like "hope" or "change," but start talking about something real like "bailouts" or what's "constitutional," they can't hear it.

I've been wavering on my resolve to vote for Ron Paul in the write in section of the presidential ballot, but really, I don't know if I could feel right about doing anything else. If only this financial crisis would have been so apparent 5 months ago, we'd have a real option for president.

Take ten minutes and watch this video. You'll hear someone talk about something politically deep and real... what an idea!

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Biden and Paul on the Economy

Socialism is increasing, and it's sticking its neck father out into the open. Biden, today, didn't even try to mask his socialist comments.

''We want to take money and put it back in the pocket of middle-class people,''

Take from who? The "rich."

Biden suggested today that it is the patriotic duty of wealthier Americans to pay more takes. Why? So the government can redistribute it to the less wealthy. God help us!

Here's an article about the Biden quote
click here

Granted, Biden while making over $300,000 a year has only give $319 a year on average over the last ten years. Looks like he doesn't even believe in his own words. (reference)

Now, there's one man who understands that government isn't the solution, it's the problem. That man is Ron Paul, and he should be president. Here's a youtube clip of his statement about the economy.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Holy Week in Sept

This past Sunday at Status was one of the most meaningful experiences I think we've shared together in a long time. One of the things I love about our community is that we are willing to step into new things together and believe that we will see God in them. I have heard dozens of stories from people about that night, and has we have continued meeting together every day this week, God has continued to show himself to the hearts and stories of individuals.

If you weren't there Sunday night, here's a picture to give you a sense of the place:

The goal of the night was to hear stories from our community of the ways God has been moving over the last 9 months. Through audio, video [the geek in me loved this part... 6 projection areas in the middle... but purposed to not be a distraction :)], live stories and emails, we heard from close to 40 people.

One of the most compelling parts to me was the inclusion of three songs that were inspired through the things we talked about in the series. I've seen an increased passion in our worship recently, and I believe that it is because there are songwriters listening to what God is saying and creating works that help us declare those truths together.

You can hear some of the recordings in this week's podcast...

The rest of the week has been pretty incredible as well. We've gathered every day to focus in on the emotions and experiences of Jesus and the disciples. I have really been amazed at how God has allowed me to see and feel the last week of Jesus' life in a fresh way. Beautiful.

Some amazing people put a lot into this night to make it happen, and God certainly honored those endeavors.
Thanks to:

Jenn Gilanfar (who made the vine animations we used during the night. She did all of this while away competing to become the women's WORLD CHAMPION wake skater... Yes. WORLD CHAMPION).

Sean Curran and Jake Leboeuf who both wrote songs and led us beautifully.

The other musicians, Melissa Mage, Luke Domeck, Nick Torontali, Chris Baker, Kirk Chambers and Josh Jove

Michael Dalton for shooting those video stories.

Melyssa Marshall, Casey Stewart, Jenna Dey and Zack Howes for making the tech stuff happen.

Everyone who was willing to sit at a microphone and finish some phrases about Jesus.

And of course the Status staff who all did a great job speaking:
Josh Loveless, Jenn Janaceiwicz, Tom Gustofson, Kate Lynch