If you don't want to read all this... skip to the third video. That's the important part :
I'm often asked, "do you allow yourself to be emotional?" The answer is, of course, yes. I do feel. I'm not a robot. The things that affect me most are not those that make me sad or depressed... I can - fairly easily - pick up the pieces and move on.
Rather the things that affect me most emotionally are the things that inspire. I remember watching the preview of the release of Mac OSX (Panther) in 2004 and crying and asking myself, "why in the world?!"
Rather ridiculous, right? But I cried nonetheless. It's because I saw a corporation looking at the way things currently exist and saying, we can make this better. Then investing themselves in hard work, creativity and determination to achieve their dreams.
Then there was this. The finale of Cirque du Soleil's La Nouba in Orlando. They call it the Power Track. I call it amazing. All of the performers in this show are incredible, but there's the one creepy guy at the beginning of the video who pretty much just walks around the whole show. Then... in this scene... he unleashes! There was something hidden in him, and now it's realizing its potential. Then the rest of the cast joins him for an amazing display of team work and skill.
Now... This is the important part of the post - the video you actually should watch. My friend, Nathen, posted this on facebook. So far, I've only watched the first 9 minutes and 40 seconds, and I had to stop and share this video. It was created by John Stossel, and it shifts the political conversation from, "who's policies are going to fix the country," to "can the government really solve our problems?" It's the same paradigm shift that Ron Paul was trying to accomplish in the debates, and most people didn't understand. But Stossel has done an amazing job at using illustration and example to clearly convey his message.
Unfortunately, most people are reactionary, so it's hard to keep the kid from touching the stove until he's done it once and sees how bad it hurts. That's why we have Obama and McCain as presidential candidates. Regardless of who wins - Obama or McCain - we're going to feel the pain (Obama more than McCain - but they are both for HUGE government). My only hope is that the reaction (a subsequent shift to small government and - therefore - liberty) happens sooner than later.
Why did this one make me cry? Maybe a little sadness. Sad that people are sheep. Sad that they blindly follow charisma. Sad that they are looking to the government for hope and change. But mostly out of inspiration. Inspired by the few, lonely voices crying in the wilderness. Inspired by those who haven't given up. Inspired by the hope that there is a possibility of a future where freedom lives.
16 years ago